Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Dr. Cabby's Science Report:
Tellurium (TE on the periodic table) is a silvery metallic substance.

While enduring great personal risks to my safety, I've discovered refinable traces of a rare element called Tellurium collecting near the drainage grates throughout Nomos waste water system. Of course, this is also where the virus infected Rats of Nomos tend to gather. So if you've seen me running about the city without stopping to say "hi" and chat, it's because I'm being chased by a rat with no sense of humor.
Tellurium is hardly ever used in pure form, but these beautiful slender crystals are how it is distributed. Research is hindered by the fact that if you absorb even tiny amounts, you smell of garlic for months. While it is generally an agreed upon fact that Vampires find the smell of Garlic repulsive, so do many humans. So out of necessity, I have managed to alter the molecular structure of this element so that it's pungent garlic odor will only last while the pendant is being worn about the neck. Since the neck is where the less civil and polite of our sanguine connoisseurs would target, I reasoned a choker style pendant would be the most effective placement for maximum results.
**Caution** Results may vary:
While the Vampires of Nomos are not subject to many of the ancient earth alchemical potions such as religious relics and Holy Water, preliminary research reveals that Garlic causes a reaction similiar to a chemical burn, and they find the odor intolerable. However, some Vampires have a higher tolerance and may not even react to the substance until several minutes of exposure have elapsed, while others show no reaction to the substance at all. In laymen's terms... it depends on the Vampire.
Also, please exercise restraint when wearing this pendant. The Nomos Vampires are valuable, cherished members of our community. This pendent should only be worn around those who choose to behave in an uncivil or threatening manner.
Nomos citizens desiring their own Tellurium vampire repellant pendants should contact me directly. The cost is G$100 for the general public.
Members of Metropol and the scientific research community may obtain a free pendant to aid in their scientific research.
This is a pendant which you can wear, but it is not linked with SGS or with any part of NOMOS or KOS. It is for RP only. Nobody is obligated to even acknowledge you have it on. So if you want to use it IC, talk with your vampire friends about it OOC first.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Jury Duty Calls Citizens to Court the Law, While Pets Run Amok!
Justice might be blind, but now the eyes of the law have turned to the citizens themselves to decide the fate of Nomos’ most wanted criminals. Randomly selected jurors will be required to appear at court to listen to testimony, then give their verdict.
With the rise in crime, many of the hard working citizens praise the system, but grumble at the prospect of going to court. Be there or the long arm of the law will fine you for not doing your civic duty!
In other news! Due to the food shortages in Nomos Mammals without owners have resorted to random attacks on citizens to feed their hunger. Remember to lock your doors and keep an eye out for pets that need to be retrained at the pound!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Citizens Groan as Inflation Soars, While Skilled Workers Profit
Layoffs at MetroTek delivery services have impacted local businesses and inventories are at bare minimums due to reduced supply services. Increased demand and low supply have caused prices to soar in the last few weeks as citizens scramble to make ends meet.
Business owners throughout Nomos are actively seeking skilled workers to help meet demand in an attempt to make the most of the supplies they do receive. In an interview with a local food services manager, the reporter learned that higher-skilled workers help businesses reduce wasteful practices. “There is more I can offer our customers and that will help keep prices lower.” said one of the Sushi Shack owners. In an effort to attract employees some are offering profit sharing incentives.
In other news! Rumors that GenoTek waiting lists have grown for cybernetic enhancements from citizens tired of dumpster diving for food scraps. Rat-be-gone! Plug in now, and feel the power!
Monday, September 13, 2010
Classified, Batteries for sale
PR Announcement - SlashMart Corporation
Greetings my friends,
First I want to thank all my loyal customers who have become friends and made SlashMart Corporation and it’s News Stand such a success. It has been our pleasure to serve the community, and we look forward to continuing that service.
It has come to my attention that prices for basic needs in Nomos have risen to extravagant levels. A combination of shortage and greed are responsible for this. While the shortage is legitimate, there is no excuse for excess profiteering. I declare here and now that SlashMart will act as a brake on prices. While I must respond to these increases because my own costs rise, I will be keeping my commitment to be the lowest priced vendor in Nomos.
If you are hungry, and can’t come up with 40G for noodles, come to the news stand. You will find food under my roof for a whole lot less (while supplies last). Can’t afford 40G for root?? I can beat that by half, with better quality (while supplies last).
Hospital cuffs are still 30G and available at need.
My friends, we will get through this together. I recommend you all look around and make a note of which vendors are in the forefront of these increases. Perhaps they should no longer get your business when the shortage ends.
Go see Slash! Go see Slash!! GO SEE SLASH!!!

Thursday, September 9, 2010
Breakout at Bedlam